Blue Heeler Golden Retriever Mix

The Blue Heeler Golden Retriever Mix is a unique crossbreed that brings intelligence and loyalty from Blue Heeler and affectionate and friendly nature from Golden Retrievers. They are loyal, friendly and hardworking canine companions that are loving with family members.

In this guide we will provide each and everything about  Blue Heeler Golden Retriever Mix. We will share with you the history, character, appearance, lifespan, health issues and grooming needs of this dog. If you know all these things you are at the right place.

So, let’s dive in!

History of the Parent’s Breed

Blue Heeler Breed

The Blue Heeler dog in the 19th century to help the cattles in the area of Australia. Their name comes from their blue coats. Due to their strong herding instincts that are hardy and tireless workers. 

They are intelligent dogs with a high level of energy. They are protective dogs , loyal and can be an excellent watchdog and guard dog. They can be vocal and barking when talking with owners. They make strong bonds with family members due to their loyal nature. 

Golden Retriever Breed

The Golden Retriever was born in Scotland in the middle of the 19th century. They were gun dogs and used to discover birds during shooting times. Due to these reasons they were dogs of elite class families, because shooting was a common entertainment at that time.

They are loyal dogs and easy ro train. They also want to please you and want praise and enjoyment when you are happy and satisfied. 

What is a Blue Heeler Golden Retriever Mix dog?

blue heeler golden retriever mix

The Blue Heeler Golden Retriever Mix dog is a unique dog which is also called Golden Heeler. This breed is the combination of working dogs. The owner can expect a hardworking, intelligent, friendly and loyal dog. 

The Blue Heeler Golden Retriever Mix is a combination of Blue Heeler and Golden Retriever Mix. They have recently become famous as hybrid dogs. The origin of this breed has dated back to the 20th century. 

Blue Heeler Golden Retriever Mix Appearances

The Blue Heeler Golden Retriever Mix range their appearance from their parents’ breed. They are medium in size, having height about 17-24 inches tall at the shoulders and their weight between 45 to 70. 

They take coats from one of their parents whereas some dogs take from a mix of two breeds. They have soft, dense coats with signature mottled patterns, like their parents coats.

Their coats come in speckled blue, black, red, cream or gray colors. Their coats are in medium size and shen in moderation. They have erect, triangle ears. They have strong, sturdy builds. Their eyes come in warm brown and amber color.

Blue Heeler Golden Retriever Mix Temperament

blue heeler golden retriever mix

The Blue Heeler Golden Retriever Mix can be a wonderful family dog if properly socialized and trained. 

They are energetic dogs which need a lot of exercise on a daily basis. Daily walking and running in the large area make them active and build their bodies strong. To thrive You can give them some jobs like agility training, learning tricks and participating in dog sports.

They are friendly and affectionate dogs which can create bonds with family members; this trait comes from the Golden Retriever Mix side. Whereas their protective and loyal nature comes from Blue Heelers side. They can defend their family if needed. 

To prevent aggression they need proper socialization from an early age by an experienced owner. Provide them structure, training and activity to develop into a gentle family dog.

Blue Heeler Golden Retriever Mix Training

The Blue Heeler Golden Retriever Mix is easy because they are working dogs. They love to work and are trained and obedient dogs. You must raise the games according to their level otherwise they get bored and decrease their confidence level. Some of the things you should do for their training including:

  • Use positive reinforcement
  • Socialize extensively 
  • Provide structure 
  • Give them a task
  • Exercise regularly

With consistency, patience and positive reinforcement training this breed can be obedient.

Blue Heeler Golden Retriever Mix Exercise need

This mix breed’s parents are active dogs, so this breed is also an active dog which needs a lot of exercise to keep them fit.

They need at least 60 to 90 minutes of exercise per day. Mental stimulation is also very important. Obedience training, food puzzle toys, and attractive games help to relax thor mind. If we don’t provide them proper exercise according to their need then  the dogs get bored this leads to behavioral issues like digging, chewing, and barking. 

Blue Heeler Golden Retriever Mix Health & Lifespan

The Blue Heeler Golden Retriever Mix is prone to have some health issues like other dogs breed. Mixed dogs generally live longer than pure breeds. They are healthier dogs but still have some disease including:

  • Hip dysplasia
  • Elbow dysplasia
  • Deafness
  • Cataracts
  • Patellar luxation
  • Ear infections

Their lifespan is about 10-13 years. If you provide them care, regular exercise, balanced diet and regular vet checkups then their life will last longer.

Blue Heeler Golden Retriever Mix Grooming Needs

Some dogs have long coats and some have short ones according to the genes of their parents. So grooming needs are different according to coats. 

If they have a long coat they need plenty of grooming like brushing two or three times a week. And if the coat of the dog is short hair then you need one brush per week.

Trimming the nails is very essential. Trim your dog’s nails after 2 weeks to prevent overgrowth. Clean their ears regularly to prevent infection.   


The Blue Heeler Golden Retriever Mix is a unique crossbreed that brings intelligence and loyalty from Blue Heeler and affectionate and friendly nature from Golden Retrievers. They are loyal, friendly and hardworking canine companions that are loving with family members.

This dog is a unique dog which is also called Golden Heeler. This breed is the combination of working dogs. The owner can expect a hardworking, intelligent, friendly and loyal dog

The origin of this breed has dated back to the 20th century. 

They are medium in size, having height about 17-24 inches tall at the shoulders and their weight between 45 to 70. 

They take coats from one of their parents whereas some dogs take from a mix of two breeds. They have soft, dense coats with signature mottled patterns, like their parents coats.

Their coats come in speckled blue, black, red, cream or gray colors. Their coats are in medium size and shen in moderation. They have erect, triangle ears. Thay have strong, sturdy builds. Their eyes come in warm brown and amber color.

They need at least 60 to 90 minutes of exercise per day. Mental stimulation is also very important. Obedience training, food puzzle toys, and attractive games help to relax thor mind.

Their lifespan is about 10-13 years. If you provide them care, regular exercise, balanced diet and regular vet checkups then their life will last longer.

FAQs of Blue Heeler Golden Retriever Mix 

The Blue Heeler Golden Retriever Mix dog is a unique dog which is also called Golden Heeler. This breed is a combination of Blue Heeler and Golden Retriever Mix.

This is medium in size, having height about 17-24 inches tall at the shoulders and their weight between 45 to 70.

Their lifespan is about 10-13 years. If you provide them care, regular exercise, balanced diet and regular vet checkups then their life will last longer.

This dog needs at least 60 to 90 minutes of exercise per day.

The Blue Heeler Golden Retriever Mix can be a wonderful family dog if properly socialized and trained. They are friendly and affectionate dogs which can create bonds with family members; this trait comes from the Golden Retriever Mix side. Whereas their protective and loyal nature comes from Blue Heelers side. They can defend their family if needed.

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