Border Collie Greyhound Mix

If you like outdoor activities, the Border Collie Greyhound mix is the best option for you. Border Collie Greyhound mix is a unique and energetic dog and likes outdoor activities. This breed is the mix of intelligent, playful personality Border Hound and athletic and speedy dog Greycollie. This breed is also known as Grey-Border Collie. In recent years this breed got popular because of their beautiful and charming personality. 

This breed wants a lot of exercise because both of its parents are energetic and athletic dogs. If you have no time for an outdoor walk then don’t get this breed and choose another kind of dog for their home. Border Collie Greyhound mixes show great examples of love with their owner and other family members. Today, in this article first we will study in detail about its parent, then we will see the characteristics of this type of breed.  

Border Collie Greyhound Mix

Border Collie Greyhound Mix

This breed is a good companion for those people who like outdoor activities like running, jumping and herding. Border Collie Greyhound mix needs physical and mental stimulation. If you take the custody of this type of breed then make yourself as the needs of Border Collie Greyhound mix. They are known as athleticism, speed, sports and other activities. They make a good companion for their owner. Now we studied its parents separately.   

Border Collie

Border Collie Greyhound Mix

Border Collie are known for their stamina and they do not get tired. They generally originated as a herd dog in the villages between Scotland and England. These dogs are intelligent and make good relations with their owners. Their weight is between 30 to 45 pounds. Height of male dogs is about  19 to 21 inches and female dogs height is 18 to 22. You don’t have to worry about the training of this breed, because they can be trained easily. 

They can easily run about 15 to 20 miles per day. They are very affectionate and adjust themself in every kind of weather. They are generally originated for the navigation of sheeps and goats. They want a big space for their living. If you have a small apartment don’t let him alone, because he starts chewing your house things such as furniture, cushions and chairs.

Border Collies can have different types of coats, some collies have rough and some have smooth coats. Their bodies have two layers of coats with different colors such as white, red, black, brown and gray etc. They have small hair in their legs. It is very easy to brush their hair and brush their hair two times in a week with a specific carder brush.

They have many health issues that can cause serious diseases such as hip dysplasia, deafness, collie eye anomaly and epilepsy. Hip dysplasia is a common disease in the Border Collie and seriously affects their legs. If you see any symptoms of these diseases, urgently meet your dog with their veterinarian. 


Greyhounds are racing dogs and run as fast as 45 miles per hour. Their body shape is aerodynamic and they originated in Egypt as a hunting dog. They are very loving and make a strong bond with their owners. They are very dangerous for hunters. Their weight is between 50 to 85 pounds. The height of male Greyhounds is 28 to 30 inches and female height is between 27 to 28 inches. Greyhounds enjoy outdoor activities like a Border Collie. They use all of their energy in one race then reload their energy with a sound sleep.

They are easily trained like a Border Collie. They like outdoor activities such as running, jumping and herding. They are very active and intelligent. If you have a small apartment, don’t worry about Greyhound. They are able to live in a small apartment, if you have no time for spending with them then don’t choose this type of dog. If you let him alone in the apartment all day long, they will suffer because of anxiety. 

Greyhounds are low-maintenance dogs and have short hair, and brush the hair two times in a week. They need bathing after 2 or 3 months to clean. They don’t have undercoats like other breeds and they are found in many colors such as black, brown, red, gray and white. They need coats when you take them outside the home for a walk, because they have one coat with small hair.

Their lifespan is 12 years and they face many health issues that can cause serious diseases such as bloat, arthritis, allergies and osteosarcoma. Bloating is the most common health issue in Greyhounds, in this the stomach is filled with gas and supply of blood to the stomach is cut off and abdomen enlarged. If you see the symptoms of bloating in your dog immediately treated by veterinarian until it can be fatal within half an hour. 

Appearance And Temperament Of Border Collie Greyhound Mix

Border Collie Greyhound Mix

Border Collie Greyhound Mix is a strong dog like your parents. They are medium to large size and their weight is between 30-50 pounds. Their height is around 18-25 inches. Their coat color is different, the most common colors are white, black and brown. They make strong bonds with their owners.They like outdoor activities like their parents. They are highly energetic and need regular exercise.

They are very active and intelligent and easily trained. They are very athletic and affectionate. They make good relations with other family members.They show very loving behavior with the kids. They are very dangerous toward strangers. There are many qualities of their parents which you can find in their breed. Like our parents, they also show very good relations with all the others.

Grooming Of Border Collie Greyhound Mix

The grooming needs of Border Collie Greyhounds depend upon the coat’s size. If they have a small coat their grooming needs are low. Brush their hair once a week and bathe it after 2 or 3 months. No special brush is required for brushing your dog’s coat. 

If they have a large coat their grooming needs are a bit higher. They need to brush 2 or 3 times a week and they need a bath after one and half weeks. To prevent infection, clean their ears regularly. Regularly brush their teeth to avoid dental weakness.

Is A Border Collie Greyhound Good For Your Family?

The Border Collie Greyhound Mix is a perfect dog for those people who are active and like to walk outside and have a time to spend with the dog. This is a very good family dog. They are playful and you can easily train them. They have a very good relation with the family members and keep in mind, don’t let him alone at home. If you let him alone at home, they start chewing the things of your house such as the bed, chair, furniture, cushions. They prevent their owner from other dangerous dogs. 

Health Issues

The lifespan of a Border Collie Greyhound mix is generally between 10 to 15 years. They are physically healthy, but like other breeds, this breed also has some health issues. The health issues to Border Collie Greyhound mix are given below;

1.Hip Dysplasia






7.Border Grey Eye Anomaly

8.Effecting the rare legs

The most common in these are Hip Dysplasia, Leg Dysplasia and Eye Anomaly. It is your duty to check the physical activities of your pet carefully, if you notice the symptoms of any of these diseases then treat your dog to the veterinarian. Deafness and Epilepsy are also very common in this breed.  


This breed is very popular these days due to their intelligence and athletic activities. This breed is a combination of intelligent Border Collie and speedy Greyhound. This breed makes a very close relation to their owner. This breed has a beautiful and charming personality. Border Collie Greyhound mixes need regular exercise. 

Border Collie Greyhound Mix requires mental stimulation to prevent boredom and destructive behavior. If you let him alone in the apartment, they become sick due to boredom. This breed is very fine with children’s and almost all the other members of the family. This breed can easily be trained. Border Collie Greyhound mixes show a great example of love with their owner and other family members.

They are physically healthy, but like all other breeds they also have some health issues such as Hip Dysplasia, Elbow Dysplasia, Eye Anomaly, Deafness and Epilepsy. Immediately check your dog to  the veterinarian, if you notice any symptoms of these diseases in your pet. 


The name of the Border Collie Greyhound mix is “Lurcher”. It is a cross of intelligent and playful Border Collie and athletic and speedy Greyhound. This breed is also popular due to their activeness.

The life duration of Border Collie Greyhound mix ‘Lurcher’ is 10 to 15 years. They need regular exercise and proper diet to maintain their health. 

Like all other breeds, this breed also has many health problems such as hip dysplasia, epilepsy, elbow dysplasia, eye anomaly, arthritis, bloating and allergies. The most common is hip dysplasia and elbow dysplasia.

This breed is a very loving creature and makes a strong bond with their owner. This breed is very good with kids and almost all other family members. They are very dangerous towards strangers.

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