Can Cats Eat Cheez Its

Can Cats Eat Cheez-Its? It is the question which comes into the mind of the cat’s owner. Cats are curious animals and want to taste things which their owner eats. As human beings we eat many things which we can’t share with our felines.

Cat’s digestive system is more sensitive than a human digestive system. If they eat snacks and other human food they feel uncomfortable. Can Cats Eat Cheez-its? In this article we will solve your query. And provide all the things which you need to know about consuming cheez-its to cats.

Let’s dive in!

What is Cheez-Its?

Can Cats Eat Cheez Its

Cheez-It is a product of cheese crackers made by the Kellogg Company. They are rectangular shaped crackers that are made with vegetable oil, wheat flour, cheese, skim milk, spices and salt. These have been used in snacks for many years.

The history of these crackers starts from 31 March 1921 by Green. It’s called cheez it because these are made with 100% original cheese.

Can Cats Eat Cheez Its?

Can Cats Eat Cheez Its

Cats are carnivores, they do not need anything cheez-it. Because they have no nutritional benefits for cats. You can give a few cheez-its to your cat but it’s not recommended for your sensitive pet. If they consume in small amounts to change the taste then it will not be toxic to your cats but if they consume too much then it can lead to obesity which creates  a lot of health problems.

 If you are thinking of giving cheez-Its crackers to your feline then give a piece of cracker and break it in small pieces for your cat. You must consult your vet before sharing any human food with your pet.

Is cheez-Its toxic to cats? Is cheez-Its bad for cats?

Can Cats Eat Cheez Its

One or two pieces of cheez-Its  are not toxic to your feline. But the large amount can be toxic because cheez-Its has many ingredients which are not suitable for cats.

1.Cats & Lactose intolerance

Cheez-It made with real cheese. They contain extra fat and sodium that is toxic to cats. Many cats are lactose intolerant, not all katties have this problem while older cats have digestive problems with dairy as in cheese. 

If your feline is lactose intolerant, do not give if cheez-Its otherwise your cat becomes discomfort and gassy and have digestive problems like vomiting and diarrhea. You should give one piece of cheez-its to your cat and check the physical reaction of it. If it remains fit then you can give one or two pieces in a week.

2.Cheez-Its have too much sodium

One of the bad things about cheez-its is it has too much sodium. It contains 174 milligrams of sodium in 28 grams. It is good for humans but not for cats. Too much salt is toxic to cats.

If your cat consumes too much sodium, the problems will create diarrhea, vomiting, excessive thirst and lethargy. They might go into a coma and suffer from seizures in extreme cases.

3.Cheez-Its does not offer essential nutrition

Cheez-its are tasty snacks but they don’t offer important nutritional value for cats. It’s made for humans not for cats. Cheez-Its has vitamin B1 and B2, which are important nutrients to cats. But these are in small amounts and cats need vitamins in small amounts. 

You must know that cats are obligate carnivores so they need nutrients which come from meat. Give them cat’s food instead of giving them cheez which is not suitable for felines. 

4.Cheez-Its high in carbohydrate

Generally, cats need 10% to 15% of carb in their diet. 10 pieces of cheez-Its have 6.3 grams of carbohydrate, this is more amount of crabs than kitty needs in their diet. 

Excessive use of carbohydrates can lead to obesity which can create other health problems.

Can we give a kitten Cheez-Its?

Can Cats Eat Cheez Its

I suggest you not give the cheez-Its to your kitten. Their tiny gums and teeth can get injured while chewing crackers. Kittens need protein from meat and their mother milk to grow. They don’t need cheez-Its because they do not have any essential nutrients for kittens. 

If you give human food items to kittens they may lead to health problems later on.

What happens if my cat eats cheez-Its?

If your cat eats cheez-Its and you don’t know how much they consumed then keep an eye on symptoms if your cat starts vomiting and diarrhea then must go to your vet as soon as possible.

If you are giving one or two cheez-it to your cat it will not be toxic to the cat. But avoid giving too much and regularly can be harmful.

Why do cats love cheese?

Cats love cheese because cheese is very tasty. It also has protein or fats which are needed in their diet.

Some cats are lactose intolerant; their digestive system cannot process it. Cats eat cheese for taste and after they can lead to health issues like obesity which create other health problems. Some cheeses like parmesan cheese and feta cheese have high content of sodium which is toxic to cats.

What type of cheese can cats eat?

Some cheeses are good options for our feline including cottage cheese, cream cheese, ricotta cheese. But it should be given only as a treat, not on a regular basis. It’s best for your cat to enjoy snacks which have more nutrients which cats need.

Final Words

Cat’s digestive system is more sensitive than a human digestive system. If they eat snacks and other human food they feel uncomfortable.

Cheez-It is a product of cheese crackers made by the Kellogg Company. They are rectangular shaped crackers that are made with vegetable oil, wheat flour, cheese, skim milk, spices and salt. These have been used in snacks for many years.

Cats love cheese because cheese is very tasty. It also has protein or fats which are needed in their diet.

Cats are carnivores, they do not need anything cheez-it. Because they have no nutritional benefits for cats. You can give a few cheez-its to your cat but it’s not recommended for your sensitive pet. If they consume in small amounts to change the taste then it will not be toxic to your cats but if they consume too much then it can lead to obesity which creates a lot of health problems.

FAQs of Can Cats Eat Cheez Its

Cheez-It is a product of cheese crackers made by the Kellogg Company. They are rectangular shaped crackers that are made with vegetable oil, wheat flour, cheese, skim milk, spices and salt. These have been used in snacks for many years.

You can give a few cheez-its to your cat but it’s not recommended for your sensitive pet. If they consume in small amounts to change the taste then it will not be toxic to your cats but if they consume too much then it can lead to obesity which creates  a lot of health problems.

I suggest you not give the cheez-Its to your kitten. Their tiny gums and teeth can get injured while chewing crackers. Kittens need protein from meat and their mother milk to grow. They don’t need cheez-Its because they do not have any essential nutrients for kittens.

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