Bone Broth For Cats

bone broth for cats

Bone Broth has thousands of years of human use, but now it is being used for all types of pets, especially for cats. Bone Broth is a rich-nutrient fluid that has the potential to boost your cat’s digestion. All soups with bones that comprise beef, poultry, or hog are collectively referred to as “bone broth.”  … Read more

Can Cats Eat Nectarines

Can Cats Eat Nectarines

When you bite juicy and yummy Nectarines on a hot summer day you may question yourself can cats eat Nectarines? The answer is simple: yes they can eat it but given  correctly. Fruits, vegetables, yogurt and snacks are not part of the cat’s diet, but they can taste them. The Nectarines are not toxic to … Read more

Can Cats Eat Quinoa

Can Cats Eat Quinoa

Quinoa is a super food for humans. It can be used to add the nutrients and texture of the meal. And if your feline wants to eat it with you the question will arise in your mind that Can Cats Eat Quinoa? Because the cats eat meat in their regular diet. Quinoa has many health … Read more

Can Cats Eat Tortilla Chips

Can Cats Eat Tortilla Chips

We love to snacks especially when it comes to tortilla chips ,and your cat is just a foodie like you, but sometimes when you are enjoying snacks and suddenly your feline friend comes and starts eating Tortilla Chips. As a loving and caring pet parent you definitely think that ,is it suitable for it or … Read more

Can Cats Eat Rotisserie Chicken

Can Cats Eat Rotisserie Chicken

Chicken is a very popular bird all over the world, liked by almost every non-veg. It can be consumed with various processes and ingredients. Rotisserie chicken is different from home roasted chicken. The question may come to mind for every cat lover, Can cats eat rotisserie chicken? The answer depends on various factors. Cats are … Read more

Can Cats Eat Parmesan Cheese

Can Cats Eat Parmesan Cheese

Our cats are often curious, especially about the foods we enjoy. Same in the case of Parmesan cheese. Here is the question: Can Cats Eat Parmesan Cheese? The answer is yes, they can consume but in moderation. So, it’s not part of their regular diet and should be given as a treat. Parmesan cheese is … Read more

Can Cats Eat Mustard

Can Cats Eat Mustard

We all know that cats need protein in their diet. Without protein they become lazy and unhealthy. But the cats are curious creatures and love to eat what their owner eats. When we come towards mustard as a caring pet owner we must think that Can cats eat mustard? A little bit of mustard would … Read more

Can Cats Eat Edamame

Can Cats Eat Edamame

Can Cats Eat Edamame – Complete Diet Guide For Cats Owners  Edamame is very popular in East Asian Cuisine can be eaten raw, fried, baked and roasted. It is a vegetable and high in nutrients but it isn’t a good choice for your cat’s regular diet. Edamame are vegetable-type soybeans and very healthy for humans, … Read more

Can Cats Eat Donuts

Can Cats Eat Donuts

Donuts are an appreciated breakfast that is sugary, sweet and fluffy. When you are enjoying the donut your cat is watching you curiously and as a pet owner you think can cats eat  donuts? then the answer is yes, but because of High sugar levels and fats it’s unhealthy for them and may cause severe … Read more

Can Cats Eat Chicken Nuggets

Can Cats Eat Chicken Nuggets

Can Cats Eat Chicken Nuggets: Sharing a tasty meal with your cats is a good habit and you also do from time to time. But it depends on what’s in your meal. If it’s healthy food and can not harm your cat, it’s good to serve them a few pieces. Chicken is one of the … Read more