Can Dogs Eat Turkey

Can Dogs Eat Turkey

With the holidays fast approaching, many pet owners find themselves asking the same question that comes around every year “Can Dogs Eat Turkey?”. Turkey is a versatile meat that we use everyday as a meal. Turkey is most famous for its role in Christmas and Thanksgiving dinners around the world.  Turkey is also a common … Read more

Can Dogs Eat Rotisserie Chicken

can dogs eat rotisserie chicken

Can Dogs Eat Rotisserie Chicken? The term “Rotisserie chicken” is a type of chicken dish. It has few calories and fat. Further, it is a wonderful source of high-quality protein both for humans and dogs. Rotisserie chicken has significant amounts of potassium and vitamin B12, both of which support heart and muscle health. So, if … Read more

How to Boil Chicken for Dogs

How to Boil Chicken for Dogs

Chicken is used in our daily food with different forms like fried, billed, grilled and roasted. As a dog owner you may ever have been feeding the chicken to your furry. Boiled chicken is a part of a light diet. It is fed to the dogs when they are sick with gastrointestinal issues like diarrhea. … Read more

Can Dogs have Parmesan Cheese

Can dogs have parmesan cheese

Do you want to twist your dog with parmesan cheese? You may offer your dog a piece of pasta with parmesan cheese from your plate, but the question in your mind is ‘Can dogs have parmesan cheese’. Many dog owners are worried about giving her dog a parmesan cheese. The sodium content in parmesan cheese … Read more

Can Dogs Have Frosting

Can Dogs Have Frosting

Can Dogs Have Frosting: If you put a slice of cake with frosting in front of your dog, he will eat it in a few seconds without hesitation. It is unhealthy for dogs. Many dogs digest a small amount of frosting without any issues. If your dog eats a large amount of frosting, it is … Read more

Can Dogs Eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch

Can dogs eat cinnamon toast crunch

Cinnamon cereal is rich in sugar and calories, and Cinnamon toast Crunch is usually a mixture of whole grain wheat, and rice flour coated with  other ingredients,like sugar etc. Before giving cereal to your dog, ask the vet.Many dog owners feel happy to share their food with their pets. It is a bonding time and … Read more

Can Dogs Eat Wild Rice

Can dogs eat wild rice

As a dog owner we continuously worry about what goes into our dog’s diet. It is getting all the nutrition they need to stay happy and healthy. When talking about grains and especially wild rice, the question is, Can dogs eat wild rice? The answer is yes. Dogs are mostly carnivorous so  they need a … Read more

Can Dogs Have Grape Jelly

Can dogs have grape jelly

Grapes jelly is a delicious treat for us and many people like it. This fruit has many healthy benefits that provide important vitamins and minerals to us. But the question is Can dogs have grape jelly? You could be confused about how dangerous it is. It is not safe to give grape jelly to your … Read more