Chihuahua Weight Chart

chihuahua weight chart

Chihuahuas are the smallest dog breed with a big personality. They are famous for their tiny size and people give them names like “teacup” and  “handbag”. If you have a chihuahua puppy you think about the size of this dog and what the size of my dog and when will they stop growing. If you … Read more

Why Do Chihuahua Dogs Shake

why do chihuahua dogs shake

Chihuahuas are the world’s smallest dog breed. They are known for having a big personality despite their tiny stature. They first originated in Mexico. They are intelligent, loyal, friendly and a beautiful dog breed. They don’t show aggression towards children that make them a good family pet. They are popular for their playful nature and … Read more

Vomiting and Diarrhea in Dogs

Vomiting and Diarrhea in Dogs

Vomiting and Diarrhea in Dogs are common. However dogs that show these symptoms constantly can be suffering from serious health issues. Dogs eat all  types of things like garbage and inedible items so it’s not uncommon that their tummies get upset at any time.  Some cases of vomiting and diarrhea can be resolved easily at … Read more

Dog Ear Piercing

Dog ear piercing

Dog Ear Piercing: Dog owners, vets, and animal welfare groups have all disagreed on the issue of dog ear piercing. Ear piercing, according to some, is a risk-free form of individual expression that can improve a dog’s appearance. While others argues that ear piercing is an act of animal abuse that may have negative health … Read more

Inverted Nipple In Dog

Inverted Nipple In Dog

Dogs frequently have inverted nipples, but many pet owners have no idea what they are or how to treat them. Nipples that are inverted are those that are sunken inside rather than projecting forth. In this guide, we’ll discuss what’s inverted nipples, how to treat them, and the causes or symptoms of inverted nipples in … Read more

What Happens if a Dog Gets Pregnant by Her Brother

What Happens if a Dog Gets Pregnant by Her Brother

Dogs getting pregnant by their siblings is not uncommon, it is due to not separating them properly. What Happens if a Dog Gets Pregnant by Her Brother, the result is called inbreeding. However inbreeding between brothers and sisters dogs can lead to abnormalities and  possible health issues for the puppies. In fact, a specific measure … Read more

Dog Occiput Getting Bigger

Dog Occiput Getting Bigger

If your dog occiput getting bigger ,don’t take it lightly. If your dog is in your lap and you move your hands around the head of your dog, you will find a prominent bump on your dog’s head. This bump is called occiput.    It is supposed that a dog’s occiput remain same in size and … Read more

Signs Your Dog Needs to Be Neutered

Signs Your Dog Needs to Be Neutered

Every dog owner is happy when they get a new puppy. But caring for these little babies is a very big responsibility. They need proper training and vaccination on time. And some vets recommend that puppies should be spayed and neutered once they reach a certain age. Vets around the world agree that neutering or … Read more

Can A Dog Get Pregnant After A Few Seconds

Can A Dog Get Pregnant After A Few Seconds

Dog’s owner should understand the reproductive habits of their dogs especially when they are performing the breeding process and preventing unwanted pregnancies. The reproductive cycle of dogs is totally different from humans. The only question in our mind is “Can Dogs Get Pregnant After A Few Seconds”. The answer is Yes, the dogs get pregnant … Read more